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Confirmation of Registration for USPS Web Tools

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If you do not receive your email within one hour of registration, check your spam filter and ensure that registration@shippingapis.com is not flagged as spam.

*IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PREVENT INTERRUPTION IN ADDRESS VALIDATION SERVICES* The Address Validation APIs can be used in conjunction with USPS SHIPPING OR MAILING SERVICES ONLY. The Address API must only be used on an individual transactional basis, i.e. not as batch processing or cleansing of a database, but as a customer enters the information into a form on a website. For more information on the address management products offered by USPS, please visit https://www.usps.com/nationalpremieraccounts/manageprocessandaddress.htm. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions can result in termination of USPS API access without prior notice.
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